Tuesday, November 12, 2013


More people can complete a sentence with a celebrity name before they can even form a sentence that refers to the Benghazi scandal.

One only needs to peruse the magazine covers to discover there are more stories about celebrities than there are actual news stories; you know the stuff that actually matters.
Celebrity Worship Syndrome is alive and well in our society as we are bombarded with the simplistic nonsense that is celebrity news. Edward Gibbon wrote in Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire that one of the reasons the empire fell was an “over-obsessive interest in sport and celebrity.”
Why is our society so obsessed with celebrity?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Celebrities are paraded before the "common folk" to dazzle them into believing that they too can become rich and famous. This goal helps to keep them 'in line', pursuing their dreams by consuming the items that the celebrities endorse. Nice happy, fat & stupid consumers. All is well in the American Dream, because all the sheep are sedated....

  3. Who has time to worry about things that we cannot change - I don't want to know from social, I want to see Miley!


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